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Covid-19 Information

Your child's safety is always a top priority, that's why we ensure we not only follow government guidelines but also implement nursery guidelines for our team and parents to adhere to. Please see below a brief outline of our guidelines and procedures:

  • All parents and carers dropping and collecting children must are encourage to wear a face mask when permitted by government guidelines.

  • Our cleaning products are child friendly, plant based and non-toxic. Toys and regular touch areas are cleaned daily by staff and we also have a professional cleaner who sticks to a robust cleaning schedule throughout the week.

  • Staff and children wash hands at regular intervals during the day with safe and effective products. The children do not use hand sanitisers on their delicate hands but instead are encouraged to wash them with soap and warm water.

  • Adult hand sanitisers are clearly labelled and not kept in children’s reach.

  • If a child or staff member comes into contact with a positive coronavirus case they must isolate for 14 days, and those with symptoms for 10 days. If your child has symptoms, they must isolate for 10 days and contact the manager before returning to Alexander House Nursery.

  • All children must follow self-isolation guidelines when returning from travel abroad, children will not be permitted to attend nursery until the self-isolation period has ended (this may vary depending on government guidelines).

We expect parents and carers to keep the recommended social distance from one- another while outside the nursery and all staff and families are expected to follow the current Government Guidance to keep safe.

Please see below links to official guidance and information regarding Coronavirus and the Pandemic:

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on


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